January 21, 2011

Greatness Comes to my Noble Husband

                I have too much on my mind but this time its worth a lot.  Today can be the beginning of a new live for my husband and I. At noon, I received a letter by my husband which described Macbeth’s encounter of the ugly witches. They stated my lord will be named “Thane of Cawdor “and the “King of Scotland!”  As amazing as it seems, he was pronounced the Thane of Cawdor meaning the prophecy has become true!  

Does my husband have what it takes to be king? Yes he does but my only fear is that Macbeth is full of the milk of human kindness to strike violently at his first opportunity. I say he must be merciless if he wants to fulfill his ambition.  I must find a way to put an end on Duncan. The only way is to murder him. There is so little time as I’m waiting for my dearest husband to arrive home and maybe I could use my womanly charm to persuade him what this can mean to both of us.  I’m a strong woman who never loses and we must have the same determination if he wants to be the King of Scotland. I will give my lord his crown and we both shall rule, even if that means I must call down the evil spirits and take my emotions away. I want to feel like a powerful man and kill Duncan without guilt. I must go now and decide how he shall die, farewell.

-January 12, 1634 (Lavanya Amirthalingam)


My only chance to become Queen and my husband, Macbeth to become King is by murder. My foolish husband was having second thoughts about going through with the plan, the plan to stab Duncan with a dagger while he was sleeping and to blame the guards for it. My plan was perfect, not one flaw at all, but why was my husband having second thoughts. Does he not trust me? I tell him to look like the flower but be the serpent underneath; so innocent in the outside but ambitious in the inside. I questioned his manly hood. I knew it would irritate him. So I asked if he was strong and brave enough to kill Duncan? He fought in the war and killed many. Why couldn’t he kill Duncan, for me? All in all, I told Macbeth that he must kill Duncan for our dreams to come true. I told him what to do and how to do it. As usual, Macbeth does what I say, and therefore Macbeth killed Duncan, and today here I stand as the Queen of Scotland.
-January 12, 1634 (Swidda Rassy)

He reminded me of my father

I have just come back from Duncan’s room. The chamberlains are knocked out cold as planned. I feel quite dizzy from the drinks but also energized, the deed is probably being done at this very moment! Everything is about to change. Once Macbeth kills Duncan he will be one step closer to becoming King of Scotland, and I will become queen. I can hear the drunken servants at this moment, making a mockery of their jobs by snoring instead of protecting the king. I put the servants' daggers where Macbeth would find them. He couldn’t have missed them. I hope everything is going alright. Hopefully his weak heart does not get in the way of doing this, or he could ruin everything. I paced the room, waiting for Macbeth to come back and tell me he finished the deed. My mind begins to wonder as I remember standing over Duncan’s bed ready to commit the deed myself, but I took one look at him and I could not do it. He reminded of how my father used to sleep when I was a little girl. He looked so peaceful and at ease, the poor man has no idea what is going to happen to him.  Wait, I have to focus, nothing can go wrong. I think I hear Macbeth coming… 

-January 13, 1634 (Deanna Alves)


Macbeth has been acting like a wimp these days.    When I suggested that he try harder to become king, he seemed appalled at the idea!  But why is he so scared of one more murder?  If it were his first murder, it might not have been strange but he was a ruthless man who fought in wars and won bloody battles.  My husband who was ever so brave and ambitious has turned into a little boy who “sees” monsters in the shapes of weird sisters promising him of riches and great future, yet he is hesitant!  Therefore, I must help him reach his destiny.
  His whimpering and whining is irritating me quite the bit.  He has just returned from finishing the deed, and my beloved fool has brought back evidence!  This dear man shocks me at times, what was he thinking!  Carrying a bloody dagger around the castle after finally finishing the plan; I must take matters into my own hands and clean up his faults. 
As I was returning towards my dearest, I realized that I am just as responsible for Duncan’s murder as Macbeth.  Yet unlike my husband, I can hide my true intentions like a serpent hidden underneath a flower.  Yet I feel it strange that I do not dwell in the guilt of my deceit.  But at least the deed is done and I can finally become queen beside my dearest Macbeth.

-January 12, 1634 (Prabha Poudel)

January 20, 2011

Why me

I am frightened by everything that has happened to me for the past week. Every day, I wake up to wax hardened all over my arms, like I have been carrying a candle throughout the night. Also, whenever I open my closet to get my royal attire, small pieces of paper fall upon me. The horrendous thing about this is each of them contains an evil deed that I tried to conceal in my heart and they are written in my handwriting! When did I ever write these? Come, you spirits, tell me why I am facing all of these problems. If that is not weird enough, my servants have recently been giving me weird looks and I sense that they do not respect me. They are unwilling to communicate with me and I feel that my face, which is supposed to be the innocent flower, is transparent, revealing all that my heart tried to hide. Whenever I look at my hands, I envision King Duncan’s bright, red blood. Who would have thought an old man would have so much blood? The daggers, that starless night, my first evil deed…..they run through my head like an endless slideshow. I thought that becoming queen would just bring happiness, wealth and power, but if I knew this would happen, I would not have wanted it in the first place. Maybe this is a sign from above-my soul is unfit to inhabit this Earth and I may very well take this situation into my own hands.           

-January 19, 1634 (Kishon Thaveswaran)